软Q汤种+自制酵母面包基础课程二(Skills Future)
软Q汤种+自制酵母面包基础课程二(Skills Future)
软Q汤种+自制酵母面包基础课程二(Skills Future)
软Q汤种+自制酵母面包基础课程二(Skills Future)
软Q汤种+自制酵母面包基础课程二(Skills Future)
软Q汤种+自制酵母面包基础课程二(Skills Future)
软Q汤种+自制酵母面包基础课程二(Skills Future)

软Q汤种+自制酵母面包基础课程二(Skills Future)




  • SkillsFuture 申请(全额资助,需根据 SkillsFuture Credit 余额情况)
  • SkillsFuture 课程 ID: TGS-2021010251
  • NTUC UTAP 申请(最高 50%)


  • 软Q汤种面包基础课程一(已完成)



  • 2 个 大蒜起士软欧面包
  • 2 个 红豆抹茶软欧面包
  • 10 个 黑眼豆豆面包
  • 2 个 凤梨软欧面包
  • 2 个 榴莲软欧面包
  • 2 个 奶油乳酪软欧面包


  • 课程时长:两天 (2025年3月13日 & 14日)
  • 每节时长:6小时,共2节
  • 类型:烘焙特殊动手课程
  • 最低年龄:14岁
  • 提供设备:设备、工具、配料、围裙及盒子
  • 带笔做笔记:请带笔记录,可能需要根据班级食谱分组学习
  • 完成课程后:学生将获得优异证书


  • 仅限已注册并支付学费的学员参与
  • 请参阅退款和取消政策
  • 上课准时开始,迟到超过20分钟将不能进入,不退还学费
  • 剩余食材和工具需留在工作室内,不得带走
  • 学员需在课程期间及结束后清洁使用的器材,并整理工作台
  • 课程期间,请展现社交礼仪
  • 可能会拍摄课程照片或视频用于广告宣传
    • 如不希望被拍摄,请提前书面通知
  • 退款政策
    • 所有确认的预订不可退款
    • 可在原班课程30天内转到另一班,或更换参与者
    • 更换参与者或转课需提前24小时通知
    • 周末课程请在周五下午5点前通知
    • 未到课者不退还学费
  • 班级取消
    • 如果教师身体不适,课程可能会在上课前或结束时取消
    • 课程取消将通过电子邮件通知,并全额退款


Skills Future Funding

Skillsfuture Funding

Use your Skillsfuture credits to pay for the course

There is no upfront payment required for students who will use SkillsFuture credit as payment. For claims, please follow the steps below.

1. For the payment option, select SkillsFuture credit & book the class.

2. Receive a confirmation email once booking is made.

(If you did not receive the email we sent, we encourage you to check your spam or junk mail folder).

3. Proceed to Skillsfuture / www.myskillsfuture.gov.sg to submit your claim. "GST is claimable under Skillsfuture funding".

4. Email customerservice@phoonhuat.com the proof of SkillsFuture approval within 3 days from the booking date.

5. Failure to submit the proof of SkillsFuture approval to Phoon Huat within 3 days from the booking date will result in "CANCELLATION OF BOOKING".


a.) If a student's SkillsFuture credit is not enough to pay for the full course fee, Phoon Huat customer service will issue a payment link for the student to pay the remaining amount.

Example: The course fee is $250, the SkillsFuture-approved subsidy is $200, and the student is required to pay the remaining $50 before attending the course.

b.) For questions regarding the fee and claim process, email us at customerservice@phoonhuat.com or WhatsApp +65 9234 6505.


UTAP Funding

UTAP Funding

Get additional funding for NTUC members

1. NTUC members are able to claim 50% of the unfunded amount.

2. For e.g. if the course is $600 and you are only able to claim $200 from Skillsfuture, 50% of the remaining $400 will be funded by UTAP.

3. NTUC members are entitled to claim a max of $250 OR $500 (40 and above) per year.

4. For more information on UTAP funding, please visit - skillsupgrade.ntuc.org.sg

5. Replacement participant is not allowed for UTAP funding courses.

6. Full attendance is required for all UTAP funding courses.

Chef Kevin 张文勇


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